UST Cleanup Fund Consulting

Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund Specialist

Serena Burnett, Environmental Law paralegal, is well-versed in working with the California Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (USTCF), the Orphan Site Cleanup Fund (OSCF) and the Site Cleanup SubAccount Program (SCAP) to secure funding for the assessment and clean-up of contaminated sites.  Since 1991, she has assisted Claimants with preparing application packages, Reimbursement Requests and appeals for these programs.  She has acquired in-depth knowledge over her many years working with these funding sources.


Application Preparation and Reimbursement Requests for:

  • UST Cleanup Fund (USTCF) – Funding program for owners or operators of USTs for the assessment and clean-up of sites contaminated by leaking petroleum USTs or related piping;
  • Orphan Site Cleanup Fund (OSCF) – Funding program for owners or potential buyers of sites contaminated by petroleum USTs where no financially responsible party can be located – applicant does not qualify for USTCF;
  • Site Cleanup SubAccount Program (SCAP) – Funding program for assessment and cleanup of non-petroleum cases (i.e. former dry cleaners, metal plating sites).
  • Regulatory Agency file reviews in Southern California including RWQCB, Fire Departments, Building and Safety, LACDPW Environmental Programs Division.

THE LEGAL EDGE clients include:

  • Environmental consultants;
  • Property owners/potential buyers;
  • Gas station owners/operators;
  • Law firms; and
  • Real estate investors.

Let’s discuss the specifics of your Site to determine if one of these programs can help with the costs and expenses to assess and cleanup your site.

For more information from the California State Water Resources Control Board about these programs, please go to